Faculty of Creative Multimedia

Thursday, 1 December 2011


What is Novelty?
In my opionion, Novelty is freshness, originality. According to wordnetweb website, Novelty is "freshness: originality by virtue of being refreshingly novel".

What is the definition for Creativity?
From wordnetweb.com , creativity is the ability to create.

Meaning of Innovation?
Innovation is "invention: a creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation" Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=innovation

And what is Invention??
A creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation
Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=invention

From the word itself, we know these entire things have a connection with our ability to think creative.
From the past, we know that there were many people who think something unique and useful to our life.

For example:

The first thing when we watch the video, we will say, WOW!! Some might also be speechless. This bladeless fan is not really new. It is just an innovation on the things that we have right now. Bladeless fan is a very creation product because it brings improvement to the blade fans. It would not make one’s hair stuck to the fan blade, or our hand get cut if it is a blade fan. Sir James Dyson studied and experimented several ways to change the blade fan to the bladeless fan.

Another example is a portable office.

Overall, everything is just modified and innovated things that have been invented before. For the portable office, maybe it is something extraordinary. Although it seen awkward and weird using the portable office, we can see that there are sense of creativity to make life easier in certain places.
This is all about the things that people have tried to create a new things to the world.
From here, we can see that being creative is not only in art. It is about our life itself. Try to be creative in all ways.

But be careful, as what our lecturer said in class, people sometimes misunderstood creativity with innovation.

But then, we know, that creativity fall into four parts, that are:
Aesthetic Organizers.
Boundary Pushers — those who take an existing idea and push it a little further.
Inventors — those who take existing knowledge and create new ideas — the Edisons of this world.
The rarest group: Boundary Breakers — the Leonardos and the Copernicuses.
( A paraphrasing of Elliot Eisner (1933-), American art educator)

In conclusion, we know that everyone is all creative people. But to be more creative, we need to learn and gain more knowledge!

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